
Come si muove l’Italia quando il Coronavirus ci ferma?
La risposta è Mobility DataLab, un progetto voluto da Infoblu e Octo Telematics per dare il proprio contributo al Paese analizzando l’andamento della mobilità in Italia durante la crisi del Coronavirus.
On the occasion of the Formula E E-Prix on April 14th, at the Eur circuit, Roma Servizi per la Mobilità (Roma Mobility Agency) realized the roadway plan to regulate the inflow and outflow from the circuit and relieve road traffic during the preparation and the dismantling of the structures.
Read all >>OPEN REPLY & iOS 11: Innovation through iPhone and iPad: Infoblu amongst partecipants
Infoblu S.p.A. has attended the workshop "Innovation through iPhone and iPad" organized by Apple and Open Reply, a leading company in the development and implementation of desktop and mobile applications.
Read all >>Infoblu at IBTTA International Summit of Rome
Infoblu participated in the International Summit in Rome held from 15 to 17 october at the Parco dei Principi Hotel and organized by IBTTA, International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike assoiciation, the worldwide association for motorway companies and pay toll.
Read all >>International Summit of Rome
Infoblu S.p.A. will partecipate at The International Summit of Rome organized by IBTTA, the worldwide association for the owners and operators of toll facilities and the businesses that serve tolling. The summit will focus on long-term strategic planning and how to put the customer first.
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